Regal Rules

I will delight in Your commandments, which I love.  Psalm 119:47  NASB Commandments – Before we look at the word bemiṣvotĕ’kā, we should note the unusual verb for “I will delight.”  That verb is šāʿaʿ.  It’s unusual because here and in verse 16 it is a Hithpalpel.  What does that mean?  It means that the subject of…

Public Debate

I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings and shall not be ashamed. Psalm 119:46  NASB Shall not be ashamed – If you’ve discovered anything at all in this vav section, it’s that each of these verses not only begins with a vav but also is a past statement of God’s faithfulness and the poet’s…

Alpe di Siusi

And I will walk [q]at liberty, For I seek Your precepts.  Psalm 119:45  NASB At liberty – “The high plateau in the heart of the Dolomites is a natural paradise in summer and winter and a wonderful destination for versatile day trips.”[1]  Click on the footnote below if you want to see this fabulous place.  And now I’ll…

Promise or Proclamation?

And I shall keep Your Torah constantly, forever and ever.  Psalm 119:44  Chabad I shall keep – What is the psalmist actually saying?  Is he claiming that if God allows him to speak the whole truth (verse 43), he will then keep Torah forever?  Or is he saying that, unlike Moses, he knows God gives…

Moses in the Wilderness

And do not take out utterly from my mouth a word of truth, because I hoped for Your words. Psalm 119:43  Chabad Utterly – The English seems a little jilted, doesn’t it?  We just don’t speak this way.  The NASB offers little more: “And do not take the word of truth utterly out of my…

Past Is Present

And I shall answer a word to those who disgrace me, for I trusted in Your word.  Psalm 119:42  Chabad Shall answer a word – Are you ready to reread the text in vav-conversive?  As you can see in the translation of Chabad, this verb (ʿānâ) is treated as a future tense, that is, “I…

Vav – Some Hebrew Magic (2)

May Your favor also come to me, Lord, Your salvation according to Your [o]word; Psalm 119:41  NASB Also come to me – וִֽיבֹאֻ֣נִי  Oh my, what a lot is packed into such a small word!  We’ve explored the oddity of “come” and “go.”  We’ve noticed the shift in tense from future to past.  We’ve looked at the jussive “wish.” …

Vav – Some Hebrew Magic (1)

May Your favor also come to me, Lord, Your salvation according to Your [o]word; Psalm 119:41  NASB Also come to me – Here’s the vav section of our acrostic.  Notice the first word of the first line –  וִֽיבֹאֻ֣נִי.  You’ll see the vav but you might not know how it works.  Let me explain.  Vav has two functions.  As…

Forest and Trees

Aleph . . . Hey   Psalm 119:1-40 The Acrostic Thus Far It’s easy to not see the forest for the trees.  We’ve been looking closely at the trees for forty verses, and we’ve discovered amazing things.  The details of word choice, the interesting and commanding twists in grammar, the skill of the poet to create…

Shame on You

Take away my disgrace which I dread, for Your judgments are good. Psalm 119:39  NASB Disgrace – by now we’ve learned that shame in the ancient Semitic world is not an inner psychological state.  It is public disgrace.  Now we need to know what “disgrace” means in this ancient world.  The word is ḥerpâ. In…