Reading the Signs?

In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch of David sprout; and He shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth. Jeremiah 33:15  NASB In those days – We’ll take a break from Luzzatto and Mesillat Yesharim for a moment.  This message came to me by email.  I want to comment on…

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Babylon (9)

Watch the path of your feet, and all your ways will be established.  Proverbs 4:26  NASB Your feet – “Look where you’re going!”  The warning isn’t just about physical danger.  “Watch where you’re stepping” is good spiritual advice too.  Close examination of the path (maʿgāl—cow path) will keep you from stepping on something unpleasant whether it’s…

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Babylon (8)

The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You.  Isaiah 26:3  NASB Steadfast of – סָמַך (sāmak) lean upon, lay, put, uphold, support[1]  “Steadfast.”  The mind that leans upon God.  But let’s be clear.  That’s not quite the same as believing in God.  In this verse, “steadfast of” is a…