The Reason Why (1)

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you.” Isaiah 43:1 The Reason Why (1) Redeemed – The world has no answer for fear.  It has lots of suggestions, but none of them is sufficient.  In fact, the world is actually based on fear.  It does not make sense without fear.  And most of us buy…

An Urgent Request

“O LORD, we beseech You, do send prosperity!” Psalm 118:25 An Urgent Request Beseech – Not often, but important.  Only eleven times is the word annah used in the Old Testament.  Only three times in the Psalms.  But it is an important word because it expresses the emotional intensity and urgency for a request.  When…

Beginning and End

“For His lovingkindness is great toward us, and the truth of the LORD is everlasting.  Praise the LORD!” Psalm 117:2 Beginning and End Praise the LORD – Psalm 117 opens with a command to praise.  Halelu.  It ends with the same resounding note.  A single word.  Haleluyah.  By adding the syllable “yah” the word adds…

Worshipping in Silence

“Praise the LORD, all nations; laud Him, all peoples.” Psalm 117:1 Worshipping in Silence Laud – David chooses not to repeat the word halal in this second phrase.  Like a great Hebrew poet, he chooses to modify or amplify the meaning of the first phrase with an extension in the second phrase.  We are to…

Words That Matter Most

“Praise the LORD, all nations; laud Him, all peoples.” Psalm 117:1 Words That Matter Most Praise – In the shortest Psalm (only two verses), David gives us the greatest command:  everyone, everywhere is to praise God.  When life is boiled down to its absolutely essential ingredient, one thing remains:  praise.  Without praise, life is empty…

The Context of Time

“Forever, O LORD, your word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119:89 The Context of Time Forever – We are a mathematically derived temporal society.  We mark the passage of time by the use of mathematically precise divisions.  We view our world, in fact, our universe through the lens of the clock so much so that…

Life Without Shame

“May my heart be blameless in Your statutes, so that I will not be ashamed.” Psalm 119:80 Life Without Shame Blameless – Shame destroys.  It is far more crippling than guilt.  If I am guilty, I can repay.  If I am guilty, I can repent.  If I am guilty, I can recover.  But shame is…

Giving An Ear to God

“Listen, O heavens, and hear, O earth; for the LORD speaks” Isaiah 1:2 Giving An Ear to God Hear – When Isaiah uttered this phrase, “Hear O earth”, he used the Hebrew verb ‘azan.  For the people who listened, the allusion would have been obvious.  It’s the same phrase found at the beginning of the…

The Ears of the Universe

“Listen, O heavens, and hear, O earth; for the LORD speaks” Isaiah 1:2 The Ears of the Universe Listen – English fails us.  We need to read more than just “listen”.  We are to hear the sound of the voice of God echoing through the ages, right back to the beginning of creation.  “Hear, O…


“But you have not obeyed Me; what is this that you have done?” Judges 2:2 Listen Obeyed – You wouldn’t know the awesome implication of this word unless you read it in Hebrew.  It is shama, the verb that means, “to listen”.  While it certainly includes the idea of obedience, it is the powerful history…