According to Knowledge: a Study of Forsaking and Clinging

“Therefore a man forsakes his father and mother and clings to his wife . .”    Genesis 2:24 “Likewise, you husbands, dwelling together with your wives according to knowledge, .”   1 Peter 3:7 It is unfortunate that Christianity has been slandered with the idea that wives are the submissive slaves of their husbands. Only sloppy…

A Mystery Story by God

A Mystery Story  by God       but it is written, “THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM.”  1 Corinthians 2:9 My wife, Rosanne, enjoys surprises.  But my choices for her…


As you undoubted know, for time to time my fingers don’t work as fast as my mind.  The result is usually typos.  I have a proofreader who catches a lot of them, and I have a post proofreader who catches some after they have been published.  But I hope none of you will consider them…

Blog Heaven

I just want to say that those who contribute to the blogs are helping all of us.  I am so thrilled each time I get to read them – and I promise to try to answer – after the book is done. 🙂 If you haven’t been following the discussions or you haven’t shared your…

A Timeshare View of History

One of the most ingenious inventions of modern real estate economics is the timeshare.  Timeshares are designed to provide a slice of unreality for anyone who has a reasonable credit line.  What most people could never hope to afford completely, they can pretend to afford in slices.  A timeshare is my one week of affluence. …

From Kathleen

I have had a few emails from Kathleen.  I asked her if I could share them.  Her words are a testimony to your prayers. For once I am able to report TWO pieces of not just good, but GREAT news. First, I received a bill from the company in charge of my COBRA Health Insurance…

A Look at Jeremiah 29:11

“I know the plans I have for you.” Most of us are quite familiar with this verse, perhaps too much so.  We skip over it, thinking that there isn’t a lot to mine here.  We’re wrong.  A close examination of the verse reveals a very different and complex understanding. It all starts with “know”.  The…

A Hebrew Perspective on Prayer

  With all the pressures and frustrations of life facing us every morning, it might be useful to consider for a moment the Hebrew perspective on prayer.  The shift in focus helps us to see that the answer to our usual questions are not as far away as we might think.   Fundamental to all…

The File Library

Over the next few weeks I will be posting articles that were once in the file library of the old At God’s Table website.  There may be several a day, so don’t think I wrote all these the day before.  I want to get them into the new website so that you can search them…