A Study of Colossians

I’ve just finished a 16 hour study of Colossians with a wonderful group in Australia.  Now you can follow the discussion, word by word through the Greek text, in this download.  You’ll discover more about this letter than you ever imagined. CLICK HERE TO ORDER

February 7 Extra

 “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.  They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.”  Ezekiel 16:49-50  NIV Sod-Foot and Ball-morrah The cheapest Super Bowl LV ticket available on StubHub on Thursday cost $5,975. The highest price on…

The Day Is Coming

Today I went through the entire email list of people who received Today’s Word.  There are 3800+ in the whole list.  Within the next week I will clean it up and remove all the emails of people who didn’t make a contribution in 2020.  This might seem harsh, but just having your email on the list…

A New Year’s Wish

2020 is over.  Thanks be to God!  We all hope that 2021 will mean life returns to some kind of normal.  Baruch HaShem! I have a wish for this year, but it means I need you to participate.  My wish is that each one of you will find one other person to become part of…


On January 16, 2021, we will start the next book study at ivebeenskipped.com We will investigate David Lambert’s book, How Repentance Became Biblical (Oxford University Press, 2106). If you order the book on Amazon, please use this link and support At God’s Table with your order.  CLICK HERE. The class will be conducted Livestream via ZOOM,…