A Further Reflection

“Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God” (Job 1:22). I received numerous emails following my description of the constant pain I have in my knee.  They were very encouraging, offering prayers and empathy.  But one in particular really touched me.  It was about another person’s pain, a young man who…

Midnight Pain

11:45 PM  5 April 2023 Pain.  24/7.  Never stops.  Never.  Injections, opioid drugs, therapy.  Nothing makes it stop.  Thirty days now without relief.  Every night it gets worse.  No sleep.  My knee aches in waves.  Then sharp like someone has a drill bit turning under the knee cap.  Always in the same spot.  Continuously. What…

Something Cheerful

So today the pain in my left knee was as intense as I have ever had.  During the therapy it was all I could do to not writhe on the table.  Afterward as I was making my way home, I saw these.  A cheerful sign.  What God made is a beautiful creation, even if my…

A Little Color

While my knee is so painful I can hardly stand (seeing the specialist on Tuesday), I needed something cheerful so I shot these on the dining room table.  Rosanne gets flowers every week from Asizze, a Moroccan, who stands in front of the local grocery nearly every day.  We have gotten to know him pretty…

Update on Malaki Moen

My son, Michael, wished me to send this message to all of you who were praying for his son Thank you everyone for the constant prayers and best wishes for my son Malaki! He is no longer on his seizure medication as he is no longer in a range of abnormal brain activity to require…