Lessons Along the Way

“Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I keep Your word.” Psalm 119:67  NASB Afflicted – No one likes chastisement.  No one enjoys correction.  No one loves discipline.  No one except the man or woman who wants to be closer to God. David’s son, Solomon, tells us in Proverbs that the wise man…

Thunderous Whispers

“and these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him!” Job 26:14 (NIV) Thunderous Whispers Whisper – Have you ever really considered the power of God?  Oh, we casually speak of His majesty, His creative acts and His miracles.  But we have a kind of Cecille B….

Life’s Success Formula

“The Lord keeps all who love Him” Psalm 145:20 Life’s Success Formula Keeps – You don’t need a ten-step program for success.  You don’t need seven, or even eight, habits.  You don’t need deeper insight or more knowledge or greater effort.  Why?  Because God’s formula for success in life is one simple thing: love Him. …

The World of Weakness

“When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, You knew my path.” Psalm 142:3 The World of Weakness Overwhelmed – Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world.  Now what does that mean?  If you thought it was about sexual immorality, gluttony, violence, lying and coveting, you only scratched the surface of the problem. …

The Sleeping Solution

“It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors.  For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.” Psalm 127:2 The Sleeping Solution Even in his sleep – This incredible thought comes to us with a problem.  The word used here (shena) never occurs…

Growth and Obedience

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,” Proverbs 11:30 Growth and Obedience Tree of Life – If you travel to Disney World and venture into the Animal Kingdom, you can take a walk through the Disney version of the Tree of Life.  It is spectacular, entertaining and gigantic.  But it is dead. …

Confidence in Desperation

“My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Psalm 22:1 Confidence in Desperation Forsaken – When we hear these words, we usually think of Jesus on the cross.  We take these words at face value, believing that they are a cry of desperation from the Son as the guilt of the world’s sins came…

When God Remembers

“then I will remember my covenant with Jacob” Leviticus 26:42 When God Remembers Remember – What triggers God’s memory?  Oh, you might want to say, “But God never forgets anything.  He knows it all.”  Not so fast.  God Himself tells us that He no longer remembers our sins.  They have been forgotten and cast from…