Community Issues & Prayer Requests

Prayer Request for Africa Medical Trip

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Nov 2, 2011

HI all, Jon Thurman, one of our faithful community, has asked fro prayer for his upcoming trip.  Here are the details: Dear Today’s Word Friends, This coming Thursday, November 3rd my 22-year old daughter (Carly) and I will be leaving for Africa to join a medical effort aimed at bringing restoration to people that have experienced…

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Something’s Happening At Central Washington State University

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Sep 28, 2011

My name is Michael Moen.  My father is Skip Moen.  I am a senior at Central Washington State University in Ellensburg, Washington.  I will graduate with a degree in psychology, but my real objective this year, and for years to come, is to help people my age understand how important it is to have a…

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ISRAEL video

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Sep 9, 2011

Our trip is booked.  Thirty of us will be traveling to Israel in April.  We come from all over the globe to celebrate together at the Western Wall. Here is a link to an excellent video of some of the scenes you will see in person. Skip  

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By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Aug 31, 2011

OK, readers and friends.  IF YOU ARE GOING ON THE TRIP TO ISRAEL IN APRIL, 2012 YOU MUST CALL LINDA MOORE at Journeys Unlimited NOW!! We are going to close the group soon and if Linda doesn’t have your deposits (plural), then you won’t be with us. If you haven’t talked to Linda in the…

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Kingdom Calling

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Aug 30, 2011

No, this isn’t a post about the Kingdom of heaven.  But for all of you in the United Kingdom, I will be in Oxford from November 23 oft to 26 and in London at the Aloft Hotel, 1 Eastern Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, from Nov 26 to 30.  If anyone wants to meet, please let…

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