Community Issues & Prayer Requests

South Africa Update

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Aug 20, 2011

Just some news about the upcoming teaching tour in South Africa.  Thanks to generous donations from several readers, the ticket has been purchased and I will be back in South Africa in January 2012.  And thanks to Luzette, my schedule is packed!  We have already had to turn down invitations from 7 other locations because…

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Boaz Michael

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jul 29, 2011

Boaz Michael (First Fruits of Zion) is in Pretoria, South Africa, teaching about the Jewish-Messianic perspective.  I hear that he is feeling quite ill.  Please pray for him.  He is undoubtedly facing both physical and spiritual warfare.

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Upcoming Face-To-Face Encounters

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jul 22, 2011

Just to let you know that there are some great opportunities to meet face-to-face and learn together.  If you can attend, you will not regret it. 1.  Skip will be at Glad Tidings Tabernacle in lower Manhattan on August 13 and 14.  Sunday service and fellowship plus a chance to discuss and learn. 2.  Skip…

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Living The Biblical Worldview, new seminar

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jul 21, 2011

In 2007 I taught a seminar in California called, “Living the Biblical Worldview.”  It was recorded and is offered HERE.  A lot has happened since 2007.  This November I will be teaching the seminar again, in Orlando at the Holy Land Experience.  The updated material will add significantly to the understanding of the ancient Semitic…

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Prayer Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jul 12, 2011

Today I got a request from one of our community.  His wife is demanding a divorce without biblical grounds (from Matthew).  He does not want this and is trying to work through it.  There are children.  He has asked for prayer about the up-coming legal confrontation.  Yeshua makes it very clear that marriage is glued…

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