Spiritual Restoration, Volume 3
Spiritual Restoration: Reclaiming The Foundations of God’s World, by Skip Moen.
In the first two volumes of this series, Skip explored the radical differences between our contemporary culture with its Greek-based paradigms and the biblical Hebraic worldview. In this third volume, Skip examines the topics of the Church, evangelism, prayer, justice, and Law vs. Grace. With over 275 pages of material, this volume will take the reader into the depths of the Biblical text, often revealing insights that can only be gained by understanding the Bible in its own culture and context.
If you have the first two volumes, you will want to add this one right away. The topics are essential for a clear understanding of our relationship to the God of Israel. (If you don't have Spiritual Restoration, Volume 1, or Spiritual Restoration, Volume 2 be sure to order a copy as well.)
$27.00 donation

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