Ontologically Fragile

Leave off from man, who has breath in his nostrils.  For of what account is he?  Isaiah 2:22  Robert Alter Of what – כִּֽי־בַמֶּ֥ה ki-va me(h).  Stringing together ki (for, but, thus, because, when, . . .), ba (in, at, with, away from, among, upon . . .), and me(h) (what, which, that, how), the…

Bite the Dust (2)

“By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, until you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”  Genesis 3:19  NASB Dust – Remember this: The Hebrew word dakkāʾ means both “crushed” and “contrite.”  However, it has a second root spelling exactly the…