Idolatry in Action

Woe, offending nation, people weighed down with crime, seed of evildoers, sons acting ruinously.  They have forsaken the LORD, scorned Israel’s Holy One, they have fallen behind.  Isaiah 1:4  Robert Alter Have forsaken – Now we turn to the first of three verbs describing the cause of Israel’s crime wave: ʿāzab.  “The basic meaning of…

Translating Hebrew Poetry

Woe, offending nation, people weighed down with crime, seed of evildoers, sons acting ruinously.  They have forsaken the LORD, scorned Israel’s Holy One, they have fallen behind.  Isaiah 1:4  Robert Alter Woe, offending nation – Robert Alter’s translation of the Hebrew Bible attempts to use the same English words for the same Hebrew words whenever…

Salvation Synonyms

Do not abandon me, Lord;  My God, do not be far from me!  Hurry to help me, Lord, my salvation!  Psalm 38:21-22  NASB Salvation – What does tĕšûʿâ mean?  It’s commonly translated “salvation,” but the ancient Hebrew idea isn’t loaded with theological content in the way we use the English word today.  In our world, salvation tows in…


The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.  Deuteronomy 31:8  NASB Forsake you– You are probably more familiar with this verse from its citation in Hebrew 13:5: “Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content…