
Make Your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me Your statutes.  Psalm 119:135  NASB Shine upon – An idiom, of course.  But a nice one with a long, long history.  The idiom is based on the verb ʾôr, found first is the fifth verse of Genesis.  It means “to become light, to shine.” “Light is…

Confident Assurance

Leave me, all you who practice injustice, for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping.  The Lord has heard my pleading, the Lord receives my prayer.  Psalm 6:8-9  NASB Receives – Does God really care?  Perhaps just asking the question seems monstrously irreverent, but I’m pretty sure that at least a hint of this has crossed your mind once…

It’s Not Over Yet

“Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him.” Job 13:15 NASB Argue – You have abandoned hopelessness (see Friday’s discussion). You have elected to be an optimist in spite of your better judgment (Heschel). You choose hope. But does that mean you just accept life as…

The Clean Version

So they went and came into the house of a harlot whose name was Rahab, and lodged there. Joshua 2:1  NASB Lodged – Rahab presents a problem.  It’s bad enough that she might be a prostitute, but worse that even if she isn’t, she is a Gentile who becomes part of Israel, is in the…

Piling Up

Written many years ago, sometimes it’s good to reflect on past experiences. These days I am having to learn lessons about acceptance.  It is February in New Jersey.  We are having the worst winter anyone around here can remember.  My car is stuck in the ice (and had been for some days now).  Schools are…

Oswald Chambers October 28

For those of you not familiar with Oswald Chambers, I would highly recommend this tiny devotional. Almost every day I do find something in his writing that is right on target. In fact, some days I find myself wary of reading it simply because it is so penetrating. The last two days have been exactly…