Spiritual Grammar

Mo-deh ani le-fa-ne-ka  The Blessing Upon Waking Modeh ani – I know you won’t find this in your Bible so don’t bother to look.  But I also know that if you look in your Bible without this, you won’t find anything at all.  We explored the meaning of Mo-deh ani le-fa-ne-ka in August.  Maybe you…

The Last Word

But I am poor and needy, yet the Lord takes thought for me; you are my help and my savior; delay not, O God. Psalm 40:18  (Hebrew World) I am poor – Back up one verse.  “Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You, let those who love Your salvation say…

Saying Goodbye

“and you shall not glean your vineyard and you shall not gather what has been left of your vineyard: you shall leave them to the poor and the alien; I am YHWH your Elohim.” Leviticus 19:10 Poor – We glean.  We reap.  We take everything we can get.  Capitalism without holiness results in wrath.  It…