Next of Kin

Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to Your word.  Psalm 119:154  NASB Redeem – The close-by-ness God listens.  In fact, He listens even when we argue.  That’s the sense of “plead my cause” (rîbā(h)’ rîbî).  You might understand it better if we didn’t use synonyms:  “Argue my argument.”  The word is used twice.  The…

It’s Not Over Yet

“Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him.” Job 13:15 NASB Argue – You have abandoned hopelessness (see Friday’s discussion). You have elected to be an optimist in spite of your better judgment (Heschel). You choose hope. But does that mean you just accept life as…