The End of the End

I have wandered about like a lost sheep; search for Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments.  Psalm 119:176 NASB Lost sheep – This is not the verse we expected!  After 175 verses of praise for the Law, of reiterated commitment to obedience, of line after line extolling God’s graciousness, we expected this verse to be…

Head Trip

And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.   Jeremiah 29:13  NASB Seek/search – “The modern scholar thinks that he must find religious answers to his critical questions by means of peshat exegesis. In contrast, the sages believed that answers to critical questions should be proposed by means of derash.  Like…


“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13 Find – Where is God when we really need Him?  When terrible things happen in the world, where is the Almighty?  How come God doesn’t show up and fix things or rescue the innocent?  Why can’t we…

Seek and Search

“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13 Seek and Search – Not just action, but diligent, purposeful action.  You won’t get what you’re looking for unless you know the difference.  That’s why Jeremiah uses two words for “seek” in this verse.  God wants you…