Prayer Wheel

In the beginning, God . . .”  Genesis 1:1a  NASB God – How do you read those first words of the Tanakh?  In Hebrew, berēʾšît bārāʾ ʾĕlōhîm.  Most modern Westerners imagine that this is the opening statement of a cosmology, that is, a pre-scientific story of origins.  Creationism proceeds from this assumption to propose an…

Biblical Politics

Do not trust in noblemen, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.  His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish.  Psalm 146:3-4  NASB Nobleman – The world is continuously more and more interconnected.  Two years of pandemic disruption could hardly be better evidence.  Our lives are intertwined with many, many others, most of…

A Declaration of Dependence

A Declaration of Dependence   I believe that God is the sovereign ruler of all creation. I believe that God is a God of order, not confusion or chaos. I believe that God is compassionate beyond measure, faithful to a fault, merciful and forgiving. I believe that I am lost and hopelessly ruined without His…