Your Best Life Now

You shall have no other gods besides Me. Deuteronomy 5:7 Other Gods – An axiom of human resource management applies here.  People almost always do what they believe to be in their best interest.  When you aren’t getting the behavior you desire from others, use this axiom to discover why they think behaving as they…

The Ground of Morality

You shall have no other gods besides Me. Deuteronomy 5:7 Besides Me – In Hebrew literature, this is the first word of the Ten Words; those saying that we commonly call The Ten Commandments or The Decalogue.  The first Word is all about loyalty and exclusivity.  This phrase in the first “word” is very difficult…

Absolute Fidelity

You shall have no other gods besides Me. Deuteronomy 5:7 No – It’s too bad that we can’t read this verse in Hebrew.  If we could, we would see that it begins with the most important word in the verse, and that word is not You.  It is the Hebrew word lo, which means “no.” …