
We lost!  I don’t mean Biden won or Trump won.  It doesn’t really matter because the real loss is far greater than who will be President for the next four years.  What we lost is bāṭaḥ.  You know the word (I hope).  It is translated “trust,” and in every circumstance except Proverbs 31:11, whenever it describes human…

One Letter Difference

Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, goodwill toward men. Luke 2:14 KJV Goodwill – In his book, Windows into the Bible, Marc Turnage notes that there are two readings of the Greek texts of Luke 2:14. One variant uses the Greek word eudokai, rendering the text “on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”…

The Re-election of Obama

While I don’t usually talk about politics because my non-profit status prohibits it, it seems to me that the re-election of Obama marks a watershed in the American culture.  I can’t help but notice the historical precedent.  Alexander Tyler wrote about the Athenian Empire nearly 2500 years ago, “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of…