A Little More ‘ezer kenegdo
Our fellow reader, David, sent me this link from a well-known teacher in Israel. Seems that he and I share the same Hebrew view of ‘ezer kenegdo–and by the way, stand in opposition to virtually all the Christian interpretations in translated texts. Here is the link to Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg, in case your interested. http://lp.eteacherbiblical.com/lp_biblical_eli_marriage-en.html?cid=24127&adgroupid=-1&utm_source=eli_insights&utm_medium=email_marketing&utm_campaign=bib_en_eml_dr.eli-marriage_2015-09-09_#24127&fname=David&lname=Sloss&email=davidsloss2@gmail.com%23_at=0.3.9315718,0.138520166.z3afxtzwjdau2shdc8