Hebrew Evangelism

“He will not cry out or raise His voice, nor make His voice heard in the street.” Isaiah 42:2 NASB Not cry out – The street corner evangelist. A big sign, “Where will you go when you die?” The billboard: “Jesus Saves.” The television preacher. A mass audience taking notes about the PowerPoint sermon. All…

The Sin of Not Knowing

“They say to God, ‘Depart from us! We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways. Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him, and what would we gain if we entreat Him?’” Job 21:14-15 NASB Do not even desire – Job suffers. So do you. If God is so good, why should…

Benefits Evangelism

that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; Romans 10:9  NASB As – This is one of the crucial verses that we had to memorize when I was a child.  It is Paul’s statement about how to…

Impulse Evangelism

And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  Matthew 4:19  NASB Follow – When the Church reflects the culture, watch out!  The methods, practices and principles of the Church are to be devoted to God’s instruction and direction.  But too often what seems to work so well in…

The Last Imam

“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.”  Matthew 24:14  NASB (1963 edition) Whole world – I would be surprised if you haven’t heard this verse as support for world-wide evangelism.  Evangelical Christian groups sometimes seem to…


“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;  Matthew 28:19-20a  NASB Go – Yesterday we discovered that this verse is really about conformity to the ways of God.  It describes…

Going, Going, Gone

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;  Matthew 28:19-20a  NASB Go – Most of us know that this opening word, “Go,” is not an imperative.  It is not a…

Words of Life?

Then Job responded, “How long will you torment me and crush me with words?” Job 19:1-2  NASB Crush – “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have words of eternal life.”  Perhaps Job’s friends needed to listen to Peter.  They came to “comfort” Job but they ended up breaking him to pieces with their words. …

Faith Of Our Fathers

The heavens declare the glory of the Lord Psalm 19:1 Declare – “Prior to faith are premises or prerequisites of faith, such as a sense of wonder, radical amazement, reverence, a sense of the mystery of all being.”[1] David must have read Abraham Heschel.  Or maybe it was the other way around. David says, “The…