Quicksand Theology

“If you do this thing and God so commands you, then you will be able to endure, and all these people also will go to their place in peace.” Exodus 18:23 NASB To endure – Maybe you feel a little like a James Bond martini these days. “Shaken, not stirred.” Maybe you feel as if all this exploration into…

Paul’s Shema (2) Rewind

So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 NASB Christ – Is it the Son’s words or the Father’s words? If you look at this verse in the King James Version, it reads, “by the word of God.” That’s because the KJV is based on the Greek Textus Receptus,…

Paul’s Shema (1) Rewind

So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 NASB Hearing – If you were Paul, the Jewish rabbi named Sha’ul, what Hebrew word would you have in mind when you wrote the Greek verb akoe (to hear)? There can only be one obvious answer – shema. But as soon…


“Behold, as for the proud one, his soul is not right within him; but the righteous will live by his faith.” Habakkuk 2:4 NASB Proud one – The NASB translation attempts to capture the idiomatic meaning of a phrase that literally says, “behold, swollen not straight his nephesh (person).” “Not straight” is the Hebrew lo…

In the Name of

one Lord, one faith, one baptism, Ephesians 4:5 NASB One faith – “‘Religion’ comes from the Latin ligare, meaning to join or bind. Religion binds people within a group – Christian to Christian, Muslim to Muslin, Jew to Jew. More specifically, since some of the most bitter conflicts take place within a faith, it bonds…

The Living Facts

Now these are the ordinances which you are to set before them: Exodus 21:1 NASB Ordinances – “The service of God is an extremely concrete, an extremely real, literal, and factual affair. We do not employ symbols to make Him understand what we mean. We worship Him not by employing figures of speech but by…

A Crisis of Faith?

I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8 NASB Faith – (I apologize.  This is long) Are you familiar with the common sentiment that the Christian world is having a crisis of faith? Pundits point…

Treasure Hunt

I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8 NASB Faith – What will the Messiah be looking for when he returns? Faith. But what is faith? Is it having the trusting assurance of salvation? Is…

The First Stage

“They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ but there is no peace.” Jeremiah 6:14 NASB Saying – The first stage in the collapse of a civilization is the intelligentsia of the culture questioning the values and rituals that established the identity of the civilization. In this stage, the intellectuals of…