Inside Passage

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you;”Genesis 12:1 NASB Go forth– We who travel this path toward God need to remember how it began.  It began with a man called to an unknown destination. It began with instructions to go…

It Begins

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you;” Genesis 12:1 NASB From your father’s house – “ . . . the mandatory separation of Abraham from his kindred is unprecedented.”[1] But we don’t give it a second thought,…

Abraham’s Daughter

But Ruth replied, “Do not urge me to leave you, to turn back and not follow you.  For wherever you go, I will go; wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.”  Ruth 1:16 I will go – “From a cultural perspective, Ruth has chosen death…

Back to bara

o God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds  . . .  Genesis 1:21 ESV Created – There are demarcations in the Hebrew text that provide important insights about our relationship to God and to the rest of His cosmos.  Unfortunately, some…

Faith Without Words

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your country,” Genesis 12:1 Said – Are you like Abram?  Think about the circumstances that surround Abram’s understanding of God.  Abram doesn’t have the written Word.  There were no Scriptures in Abram’s time.  Abram lives in a land of pagan worship and practices.  Abram has no…

Things Not Seen

“Yahweh said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, from your homeland, and from your father’s house to a land which I will show you.”” Genesis 12:1 Show – The God of simple things.  “Go forth”.  The common verb for movement.  Walking.  God doesn’t ask the impossibly difficult from us.  He can accomplish the impossibly…

Walking in the Dark

“Yahweh said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, from your homeland, and from your father’s house to a land which I will show you.”” Genesis 12:1 Go forth – The first time that the Lord speaks to Abram, He gives a command to go.  More than one hundred years later, Abraham will hear that…