Of Both Worlds

And YHWH God fashioned the dust-man from the dust and blew into his nostrils the breath of life  Genesis 2:7 Fashioned – Everything important happens in the first three chapters of Genesis.  That is no joke.  If you want to understand life, your place in it, God’s design for it and how to live it,…

Inspired Dirt

Then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 Breathed Into – Sometimes the links between the Greek New Testament and the Hebrew Old Testament are quite subtle but exceedingly powerful.  Understanding those links often…


and man became a living being  Genesis 2:7 Living Being – Are you a carrier or a producer?  In a world where the emphasis is on productive living, we need to take a step backward and ask this question from the biblical point of view.  The world’s performance expectation is not what it seems.  The…

The Earth-made That Prays

and man became a living being  Genesis 2:7 A Living Being – God fashioned from the dust the body that He animated with His breath –  man manifested as nephesh.  There is a bit more here than we might think.  The Mishnah (specific teachings of the rabbis usually transmitted by oral memorization) uses a synonym…

Manifested in the Flesh

and man became a living being Genesis 2:7 Became – The Bible is without doubt the most fascinating book in the world. Why? Because it is simply beyond reasonable inference to imagine that all of the intricacies woven into its fabric could have been concocted by human beings. From beginning to end, the language of the Bible is filled…