A Critical Commentary

All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness;  2 Timothy 3:16  NASB Inspired – Thanks to centuries of Christian theological exposition, “inspired” today has the overtones of “certain,” “truthful,” and “definite.”  This verse from Paul’s letter to Timothy convinces most Christian conservatives that God oversees…

A Life of Shalom

“Do you wish to be well?”  John 5:6  NASB To be well – Yeshua is making his way through the crowd at the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem.  To do so he has to pass by a pool.  Today, just like every day, it is surrounded by those who cling to life by a thread of…

Genesis, Again?

Writing Today’s Word leaves me with an enormous problem.  Scripture isn’t bits and pieces.  It’s a whole unit, an extended story of God’s interaction with the world, in particular, with the people He calls Israel.  How it all fits together is really the job of exegesis.  Dealing with one tiny piece at a time often…

Do You Want To Be Well?

John 5:6 Jesus is making his way through the crowd at the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem. To do so he has to pass by a pool. Today, just like every day, it is surrounded by those who cling to life by a thread of hope. Legend says that this pool sometimes becomes the channel of…