The Trinity

Let my pleading come before You; save me according to Your word.  Psalm 119:170 NASB Pleading – Three words need to be understood in Hebrew context.  These three words are part of the overall pattern of this long psalm.  They are also crucial terms describing the relationship between the follower and the founder of the faith. They…

Back to Exodus

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to You I cry all day long. Psalm 86:3 NASB Be gracious – Some days it just feels like the world is conspiring against us. Some days we are overwhelmed with troubles. They might be the result of our own mistakes or they might seem to be the…

Give and It Shall Be Given

It is well with the man who is gracious and lends; He will maintain his cause in judgment. Psalm 112:5 NASB Gracious – Exodus 34:6 and 7 are crucial verses. They communicate God’s own self-description. The words He uses as He passes by Moses reveal the character of the God we serve, worship, and love. If a…

A Proposal of Marriage

The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; Numbers 6:25 ESV Gracious – The Hebrew word is hanan.  This single word describes an elaborate picture.  It creates an image of two parties; one who has a gift to give and the other who is in desperate need of the…

The Politics of God

And YHWH was gracious to them, and pitied them, and turned toward them, for the sake of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and was not willing to destroy them not to cast them out from His presence as yet. 2 Kings 13:23 Gracious – God’s keeps His promises even when circumstances might warrant…