Alexander and Paul

But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, Romans 11:13 NASB Apostle of Gentiles – What does Alexander the Great have to do with Paul the apostle? Most people probably couldn’t answer this question, or, if they could, they would suggest that…


Exalted be the Living God and praised, He exists – unbounded by time is His existence. He is One – and there is no unity like His Oneness. Shacharis/Morning Service, Morning Blessings Unbounded by time – You won’t find this verse in the Bible. It’s from the Morning Blessings of the Siddur.[1] This particular prayer…

Corrected Additions

Now at this time while the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint arose on the part of the Hellenistic Jews against the native Hebrews, because their widows were being overlooked in the daily serving of food. Acts 6:1 NASB Hellenistic Jews – If you read the marginal notes on this verse in the 1963…

The Creation of Theology

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Philippians 4:8  NIV Think about such things – I have often pointed out that Judaism does not have a systematic theology.  Christianity certainly does, but…

Paul’s Education

 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, “For we also are His offspring.”   Acts 17:28  NASB  For we are also his offspring – Paul read the Greek philosophers.  At least he has a working knowledge of them.  He knew enough to use their statements…

Losing Your Way (4)

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  Matthew 10:28  ESV Soul – Greek dualism proposes that Man consists of at least two parts:  body (soma) and soul (psyche).  According to Greek philosophical thinking following Plato, the…

Ontological Torah

This is the book of the commandments of God, and the law that endures forever: all they that keep it shall come to life; but such as leave it shall die.  Baruch 4:1 Endures forever – (This is a bit scholarly.  Don’t give up too soon.)  The Book of Baruch is part of the canon…