Do We Have to Wait?

And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.  Romans 8:23  NASB For our adoption – Once again Paul seems a bit confused.  Or maybe it’s just that old nemesis, Hellenism.  Does he really say that we are eagerly…

Who Are We?

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:14-15 NASB Spirit of Adoption – Don’t you…

On Purpose

predestinating us to adoption through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will”.   Ephesians 1:5 NASB Adoption – The Greek word huiothesia isn’t very common in Scripture.  Occurrences outside the Bible demonstrates that adoption was used to bring a son into the family for the purpose of providing care for the…