Quando, Quando, Quando

Be assured, the evil person will not go unpunished, but the descendants of the righteous will be rescued.   Proverbs 11:21  NASB Will be rescued – If you’re like me you might remember the song, Quando, quando, quando.  Perhaps you never heard the original Italian version (here it is).  Of course, it’s an Italian love song. …

Serious Peril

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.  John 3:17  ESV Saved – What does John mean when he uses the Greek verb sozo (to save)?  Well, if John is thinking about the Hebrew equivalents, he would be…

El Escape Perfecto

“Y sucederá que quién quiera llame en el nombre de YHWH será salvo; Joel 2:32 Salvo – ¿alguna vez has escuchado este versículo en una cruzada evangelística? Si supieses que el verbo hebreo no significa “salvo” de la maldición eterna, ¿te sorprendería? ¿Te llevaría al contexto para examinar exactamente lo que dijo el profeta Joel?…

The Perfect Getaway

“And it shall come to pass that whoever shall call on the name YHWH shall be saved; . . “ Joel 2:32 Saved – Have you ever heard this verse in an evangelistic crusade?If you knew that the Hebrew verb didn’t mean “saved” from eternal damnation, would you be surprised?Would it drive you back to…