Remember Ruby?

Perhaps you will recall my post about Ruby in Manila.  She is the woman who always wanted to be a teacher but lived in terrible poverty.  She finally completed her education and now teaches children in one of the barrio slums.  She has 10 children and her husband had been without a job for some…

The Power of Love

The Power of Love

You might remember the recent post about the couple who live on the street behind the condo where I stayed in Manila.  The man was arrested for stealing food, food he needed to survive.  The woman “aged out” of an orphanage.  They have lived on the street of a year.  Here is a picture of…

Some New Friends

Some New Friends

As I was walking back from the public transportation here in Manila, I came across a side street where people live.  I ventured up the street, camera in hand, and was soon surrounded by all these children.  They all wanted me to take their pictures.  I made a lot of friends, and I’ll go back…