Let’s Play with the Numbers

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.  The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7  NIV Law – Anyone who reads Today’s Word knows that the Hebrew word for the translation “law” is tôrâ.  Perhaps you also know that the Greek translation is typically nómos, found throughout the apostolic writings.  If we consult…

The Mathematician in Our Midst

Some of you are privileged to know John Adam.  He regularly attends the conferences in Virginia Beach.  He is a mathematician and teaches at Old Dominion University.  His passion is mathematics in nature.  Here are two short videos that explore this theme in ways that will enthrall you. These videos are available through the Old…

The Mathematics of Sin

I remember those days in high school when the “new math” was introduced.  We carried around brown paper covered texts full of strange language, believing we were on the verge of enlightenment.  Most of the time we were just confused.  All of the familiar ways of handling problems with numbers were displaced, inappropriate.  The old…