The Long Run

“And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”  Matthew 21:22 Believing – Jesus said it, and He doesn’t lie. Yesterday we looked at the Hebrew idea of pleading prayer.  It’s not prayer for the impatient or the self-reliant.  If you want to experience pleading prayer, you have to be desperate.  Those…

Dispelling Confusion

“And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”  Matthew 21:22 Prayer – In the midst of a long fast, I read this verse.  Since it comes from the mouth of Jesus, it must be true.  But so much of the time, it seems as if what I ask does not come…


“And everything you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.” Matthew 21:22 Prayer – Do you want to know what the full range of prayer sounds like; what it feels like?  Then begin to pray the psalms.  David was a man of prayer.  But his prayers covered the range of emotions, the landscape of concerns,…


“And everything you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”  Matthew 21:22 Prayer – Prayer and power.  Did Jesus really mean what he said?  We have learned that prayer places me in the family that serves the God of power.  The reason that I can pray at all is that I am embedded in His…


“And everything you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”  Matthew 21:22 Prayer – Have you struggled with the mustard seed syndrome?  Jesus makes some pretty startling claims about prayer.  They’re the kind of statements that get under your spiritual skin because they seem to be impossible.  Our usual response to these claims is to…