Chambers-Made (1)

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.  Matthew 6:33  NASB Will be provided – For many years I started my day with a page from Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest. My copy in the original 19th century English is so worn that the covers are…

Citizen Responsibility

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.  Matthew 6:33 NASB Kingdom – What does it mean to seek the Kingdom of God?  The answer might surprise you because it depends on a shift in paradigms that occurred more than two millennia ago.  In the early days of Hellenism,…

Prediction and Control

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.  Matthew 6:33  NASB Seek first – We live in a world that relies on a magnificent lie.  That lie is fundamental to our way of life.  It gives us the illusion of control, the expectation of a better future, the hope…


“But seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”  Matthew 6:33  NASB Seek – The word used in this quotation from Yeshua means “to deliberately strive and desire something as an act of the will.”  It is the Greek verb zeteo.  Here the context implies putting your…

Buried Away

“and even if our gospel is veiled” 2 Corinthians 4:4 Months have passes since I had my first taste of a Job crisis. God forced me to confront my trust in false security and selfish independence by stripping away the financial storehouse of my existence. Since that day, I have committed myself to a passionate…


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”  Matt. 6:33 Now we know that the word translated kingdom comes from the Greek basileia.  We know that God establishes His kingdom through His own personal announcement – another creation spoken into existence.  Human agency is not part of this creation.  It is God’s plan…


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”  Matt. 6:33 The second phase in examining this verse will focus on what we are seeking.  Remember that the Greek word for seek is zeteo.  We discovered that this root word has several different meanings.  It can mean “to strive after”,  “to look for”, and…


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”  Matt. 6:33 Lately God has been pressing me about my motivation.  He has been showing me how deeply ingrained my own desires are.  Sometimes we can look so good on the outside that we even convince ourselves how carefully we are following God’s plan of…

Where to Look

But seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness  Matthew 6:33 Seek –  God does not play “Hide and Go Seek.”  No matter what the world says about the invisibility and absence of God, He is clearly seen by anyone who knows where to look.  In fact, He goes out of His way to make Himself…


“But seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you”.   Matthew 6:33 Seek – The word used in this quotation from Jesus means “to deliberately strive and desire something as an act of the will”.  It is the Greek word zeteo.  Here the context implies putting your whole…