Neighbor or Stranger

And the priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan while all Israel crossed on dry ground, until all the nation had finished crossing the Jordan.  Joshua 3:17  NASB Nation – Gringo.  WASP.  Chink.  Gook.  Cracker.  Dego.  There’s a long list of racial slurs…


“But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will take his seat on his glorious throne, and all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate them from one another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats”  Matthew 25:31-32   NASB…

Who Loses?

“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and will be given to a nation which produces its fruit.”  Matthew 21:43  (R. T. France) Nation – One of the key verses for those who believe that Israel has been supplanted by the Church is here at the end…