No Reserve

Forgive us, our Father, for we have erred; pardon us, our King, for we have willfully sinned; for You are the good and forgiving God. Blessed are You, HASHEM, the gracious One Who pardons abundantly. Shemoneh Esrei – Amidah, Blessing Number 6 Pardon – According to the Artscroll Siddur notes, the Hebrew word mehal (pardon)…

The Four Words (1)

But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.  Psalm 130:4  ESV Forgiveness – Just four words in Hebrew.  Ki-imka has-liha’ lema’an tivare’.  But the world on my black desolation changes with these four words.  Each one is crucial for my rescue. Ki-imka (but with you) opens the thought.  The divine alternative.  YHWH…