Real Education

To know wisdom and instruction, to discern the sayings of understanding,  Proverbs 1:2  NASB Instruction – Hebrew education?  Well, let’s see.  Rabbi Ishmael’s answer to the question of Ben Damah (Menachoth 99b): “May one such as I who have studied the whole of the Torah learn Greek wisdom?—He thereupon read to him the following verse, ‘This book…


To know wisdom and instruction, to discern the sayings of understanding,  Proverbs 1:2  NASB Sayings – The Hebrew word translated “sayings” comes from the root ʾāmar, a verb that has a very big umbrella of meanings.  To say, speak, say to oneself, think, intend, command, promise also creates the derivatives of speech, word, utterance, command, and, in…


To know wisdom and instruction, to discern the sayings of understanding, Proverbs 1:2 NASB The sayings – The NASB translation of ‘emer renders the Hebrew with a nod toward oral communication. The ESV uses the stricter “words,” a translation that could easily lead us the think of written material. Of course, Solomon’s proverbs are both,…

The Education of the Righteous

To know wisdom and instruction; to understand words of insight; to accept instruction in prudent behavior, to do what is right, and just, and fair Proverbs 1:2-3 To Know – What does it mean “to know wisdom?” Well, if you’re Greek, it means you apprehend information associated with a subject. In this case, the subject…


“to know wisdom and instruction, to discern the sayings of understanding.”  Proverbs 1:2 Instruction – Oh, my!  This word (musar) is so completely different than what we usually think.  When we hear the word “instruction”, we probably imagine a classroom and a teacher.  We think about books and homework, tests and quizzes.  But those images…


“to know wisdom and instruction, to discern the sayings of understanding.”  Proverbs 1:2 Wisdom – Do you remember Alice’s world?  One pill makes you taller and one pill makes you small.  The red bottle does one thing, the blue does another.  Sometimes we let the imagery of alternatives seep into God’s view of the world….