
Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord.  Psalm 119:1  NIV According to – When we began the long study of Psalm 119, we started by investigating the Hebrew terms for “blessed,” “blameless,” and “walk.”  But we probably should have taken a long look at the preposition bĕ as…

A Way of Life

Blessed are those whose way is [a]blameless, who walk in the Law of the Lord.    Psalm 119:1  NASB Walk – It really doesn’t matter what you think.  It’s what you do that counts.  In the Hebrew worldview, it’s not necessary to understand why you should do the things you are asked to do.  It’s nice when they…

Toil and Tears

Blessed are those whose way is [a]blameless, who walk in the Law of the Lord.   Psalm 119:1  NASB Blameless – The Hebraic world knows no systematic theology.  That’s a Greek invention.  What it knows is the lived reality of God’s interaction in the everyday world of men and women.  The Hebraic world doesn’t have creeds or hard-and-fast doctrines…