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The sum of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments is everlasting.  Psalm 119:160 Sum – The head of the year.  The chief of the tribe.  The top of the mountain.  The corner stone.  The first of Mankind.  rōʾš, and all its derivatives, are found more than 750 times in Scripture, with a wide…

Making it True

“The sum of Your word is truth,”  Psalm 119:160 Making it True Truth – Yesterday we looked at this word, ‘aman, the root of many words about certainty.  One Hebrew verb form of this root expresses causing something to be true.  We could translate ‘aman in this form as “caused to be certain” or “caused…

What is Truth? – Pilate

“The sum of Your word is truth,” Psalm 119:160 What is Truth? – Pilate Truth – You must leave our post-modern paradigm behind.  You must walk away from the conception that truth depends on your point of view.  That was Pilate’s mistake.  In his world, truth was relative to the situation.  He stood in the…

The Best You Can Get

“The sum of Your word is truth,” Psalm 119:160 The Best You Can Get Sum – The Hebrew word rosh has a very wide range of meanings.  It can designate a person’s head, a chief, a leader, the source and even hair on your head.  But here it is used as a metaphor to mean…

Words from a different World

“The sum of Your word is truth,” Psalm 119:160 Words from a different World Word – What does God say?  Words!  But not the kind of words that we think of in our world.  We think of words as symbols for the real thing.  Our concept of “word” is essentially Greek.  It is tied to…