Who is the King of glory?  The LORD strong and mighty.  The LORD mighty in battle.  Psalm 24:8 King of Glory – What is the most important shift in worldview between our Greek-based culture and the culture of ancient Israel?  WYSIWYG.  “What You See Is What You Get.”  Hebrew is a language that expresses the…

My Glory I Give To No Other

“Who is this King of glory?”   Psalm 24:8 King of Glory – The Hebrew word for “glory” is kavod.  It’s worth reflecting on the umbrella of meanings that fall under this word.  Each one helps us understand what kind of King we serve. In its basic form, kavod means “what is weighty, heavy,” and, by…

What Democracy Cannot Give

“Who is this King of glory?”   Psalm 24:8 King of Glory – The contemporary endorsement of democratic republics has an unsettling corollary.  It alters our appreciation of the hierarchy of authority and our perspective on dependence as an essential element of living.  As a result, we are hard pressed to see the world through the…