Cultural Context

I was mute and silent, I refrained even from good, and my sorrow grew worse;  Psalm 39:2  NASB Grew worse – Let’s make sure we read this in a Hebraic context.  In the Western world, sorrow is usually an internal, personal experience.  It would probably be located in the “sad” dimension of the “feelings wheel,” right along with stupid, inferior,…

Poetic Aspects

I was mute and silent, I refrained even from good, and my sorrow grew worse;  Psalm 39:2  NASB Refrained– David feels as if his voice is tied down.  He wants to say something in the face of this evil, but he doesn’t know how. As a result, something even more debilitating happens.  He discovers that when he doesn’t speak up…

Poetic License?

I was mute and silent, I refrained even from good, and my sorrow grew worse;  Psalm 39:2  NASB Mute and silent– When YHVH uses more than one word to communicate a single idea, we pay very close attention.  For example, Genesis 1:26 uses two words to describe the image of God in Man.  They aren’t simply synonyms.  The differences…

Don’t Say a Word

I was mute—in silence. I kept still, deprived of good, and my pain was grievous. Psalm 39:2 (Robert Alter translation) Mute – You’re pummeled by the world. Your friends insult you. You are misunderstood. What do you do? Keep quiet, of course! No one likes a complainer! Don’t you know that it’s not nice to…