Chthonic Mysteries

My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;  Psalm 139:15  NASB In the depths of the earth– Did you think the Psalmist was writing about personal, human birth?  Perhaps you even read it as God’s inspired statement about your birth.  The Psalmist certainly is…

Not In the Beginning

For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.  Psalm 139:13  NASB Formed– Did you read this as a statement about your creation?  Did you imagine a parallel with Genesis 1 and 2?  When we read “formed,” we probably think the poet is enlisting imagery from the initial creation of human beings.  We think…

The World At My Door

I have seen that every labor and every skill which is done is the result of rivalry between a man and his neighbor. This too is vanity and striving after wind. Ecclesiastes 4:4 NASB Every – One of the claims of some religious systems is that only those actions taken “in the Spirit” and only…

El Honor de Dios

“porque el Dios celoso, Jehová tu Dios, en medio de ti está…” Deuteronomio 6:15 Celoso: Las metáforas bíblicas dependen de los comportamientos culturales y la expectativa de la audiencia. Tal como las parábolas de Yeshúa [Jesús*] las metáforas no tienen mucho sentido si son despojadas de su trasfondo cultural. La descripción de Dios como el…

God’s Honor

For a God  jealous (is) YHWH your God  Deuteronomy 6:15 Jealous – Biblical metaphors depend on the cultural behaviors and expectations of the audience.  Just like the parables of Yeshua, metaphors don’t make a lot of sense if they are removed from their cultural background.  The description of God as el qana’ YHWH (God jealous…

Fahrenheit 451

No te impacientes a causa de los malignos, Ni tengas envidia de los que hacen iniquidad. Salmo 37:1 Impaciente/ Envidioso: El papel se quema a los 451 grados Fahrenheit. ¿Cuá es tu temperatura de ignición? ¿Cuándo las circunstancias de la vida te hacen arder? Estas son las imágenes detrás de harah (agitarse – arder, encender,…

Fahrenheit 451

Do not fret because of evil doers, do not be envious of the workers of unrighteousness. Psalm 37:1 Fret/ Envious – Paper burns at 451 degrees Fahrenheit.  What is your burn temperature?  When do the circumstances of life set you on fire?  That’s the imagery behind harah (fret – to burn, kindle, glow) and the…