You’re Disgusting!

I see the treacherous and loathe them, because they do not keep Your word.  Psalm 119:158  NASB Loathe – “Loathe” is not a verb we use often.  That might be because it came into the English language only a few hundred years ago, or it might be because it has such an overpowering meaning that we shy away…

The People God Hates

Forty years I loathed a generation and I said, “A people of straying hearts are they and they did not know My ways”; so I swore in My anger, “They shall never come to My resting place!”  Psalm 95:10-11  translation Jack Riemer Loathed – God is love, right?  God loves everyone, right?  God doesn’t want…

On God’s Side

Do I not hate those who hate You, O Lord?  And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?  Psalm 139:21  NASB Hate– When is hate a virtue?  You might reply, “When we hate sin.”  But typically we add, “but love the sinner.” Ah, if it were only that simple. You see, the verb used here, śānēʾ, doesn’t make such…

Yeshua and the Prophet

“He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world shall keep it to life eternal.” John 12:25 Hates – In Greek, the root is miseo.  It usually implies active ill will toward someone or something.  It is the opposite of agapao (to love, cf. Matthew 5:43).  This is…

Biblical Psychology

“And you shall remember there your ways and all your deeds by which you have been defiled in them.  And you will hate yourselves to your faces for all your evils which you have done.” Ezekiel 20:43 Hate – In a world governed by mantras of self-esteem, Ezekiel would probably be fired.  Actually, he was. …