Ultimate Evil

Depart from evil, and do good. Psalm 34:15 Evil – What can we do about all these terrible things in the world? We live in the age of the worst genocides in history. We are exposed daily to man’s inhumanity. We see corruption all around us. We can hardly go through a single day without…

Último Mal

Agosto 6 Apártate del mal, y haz el bien. Salmos 34:15 Último Mal Mal- ¿Qué podemos hacer acerca de todas estas cosas terribles en el mundo? Vivimos en la era de los peores genocidios de la historia. Somos expuestos a diario a la humanidad del hombre. Vemos la corrupción que nos rodea. Casi que no…

A Look at Jeremiah 29:11

“I know the plans I have for you.” Most of us are quite familiar with this verse, perhaps too much so.  We skip over it, thinking that there isn’t a lot to mine here.  We’re wrong.  A close examination of the verse reveals a very different and complex understanding. It all starts with “know”.  The…