History and Story (3)

“May God decide which of us is right”  Genesis 16:5 Eugene Peterson The Message Is right– Sarai’s attempt to usurp God’s plan has the same consequences as Havvah’s enticement. Her life becomes much worse. Instead of fulfilling her desires for happiness, Hagar’s pregnancy brings humiliation, envy, and anger.  Now she must live with a servant whose body shows everyone…

History and Story (1)

just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.  1 Peter 3:6 NASB Calling him lord – Peter places Sarah in the hall of saints.  But of course he would.  She is the matriarch of all matriarchs, the first, the original. …

Adam and Abram

So Sarai said to Abram, “Now behold, the LORD has prevented me from bearing [children].  Please go in to my maid; perhaps I will obtain children through her.”  And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. Genesis 16:2 Listened To The Voice – Ah, now you see the connection.  Adam listened to the voice of…


“Please say that you are my sister, so that it may be well with me for your sake” Genesis 12:13 For Your Sake – Not Abram’s finest hour, is it? His wife, Sarai, is beautiful and desirable. This is a problem. He fears that men will kill him to take her. So, he asks her…