Irreverent Consequences (Rewind)

You shall not take the name Yahweh your God in vain. Exodus20:7a World English Bible In vain – The second commandment is the reverence commandment. It demands that we treat God’s name with respect. As we discovered, that means we speak as men and women under His authority. Our words must reflect His character because words…

Redefining Idolatry

“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” Exodus 20:4 NASB Likeness – What is an idol? You could ask Indiana Jones, I suppose. But you’ll probably learn more if you ask Abraham Heschel….

Joined at the Hip

“And a second is like it, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”  Matthew 22:39  NASB Is like it – Most Christians can recall Yeshua’s declaration of the two great commandments.  They might not know that both come from Deuteronomy or that the first one is part of the daily Shema, but they know the…

Revering the Name

You shall not take the name Yahweh your God in vain.   Exodus 20:7 NASB In vain – The second commandment is the reverence commandment. It demands that we treat God’s name with respect. As we discovered, that means we speak as men and women under His authority. Our words must reflect His character because words…