Prayer Wheel

In the beginning, God . . .”  Genesis 1:1a  NASB God – How do you read those first words of the Tanakh?  In Hebrew, berēʾšît bārāʾ ʾĕlōhîm.  Most modern Westerners imagine that this is the opening statement of a cosmology, that is, a pre-scientific story of origins.  Creationism proceeds from this assumption to propose an…


When YHWH spoke first through Hoshea, YHWH said to Hoshea, “Go, take a wife of harlotry and children of harlotry, for the land has committed harlotry, departing from YHWH.” Hosea 1:2 YHWH Spoke – How did Hoshea know?  How did he know that it was God who was asking him to do such an outrageous…