
“Remove Your plague from me; because of the opposition of Your hand I am perishing.”  Psalm 39:10  NASB Am perishing– There’s a lot of important vocabulary here.  There are also a lot of “connect-the-dots” clues.  Let’s start with “remove.”  The verb is sur, here in the imperative, ha-ser.  In other words, David doesn’t ask.  He demands. “YHVH,…

Entry Exam

I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able, 1 Corinthians 3:2 NASB Even now – So you want the meat of the Word, right? You want to investigate the depths of Scripture, see the mysteries of the…

To the Winner Belongs . . .

Keeping away from strife is an honor for a man, but any fool will quarrel.  Proverbs 20:3  NASB Keeping away – What does it mean to “keep away” from strife?  Does it mean to turn the other cheek?  Does it mean to walk away?  Does it mean to never press for the truth?  When you…

Erga tes Sarkos: Works of the Flesh

Christians have always been taught to avoid sin.  That’s a given.  But sometimes I think we trip ourselves up by not really understanding what the Bible calls “sin.”  We assume that we know what we aren’t supposed to do.  Murder, steal, lie, covet (that one is kind of vague but it’s on the list), use…