Fast Times

Here are a couple of just for fun very quick videos of my trip to Napoli. You might have to click twice to get them to play. First the optical illusion of the railroad tracks. CLICK Second, a poppy field at 185 miles per hour. CLICK I wish I could have gotten off for a…

Reggio Emilia

In Reggio Emilia, where Rosanne and I happened to be, food shopping is a social event.  This is why small communities are so appealing.  Take a look.

Matthew, Session 71

A Special Treat: Before you listen to the lecture on Matthew 16:13-20, I have included clips from the video teachings shot on location at Caesarea Philippi when Bob Gorelik and I took a group of reading to Israel in 2009. There are 3 video clips (now on YouTube).   Understanding the geography is critical to…