Embarrassed by God

My tears have been my bread day and night, while they continually say to me, “Where is your God?” Psalm 42:4 Hebrew text (Hebrew World) Where – “Tragic is the embarrassment of the man of faith.”[1] Do you experience the embarrassment of faith?  Have you had the accusations of Job’s wife thrown at you?  “If…

The Source

There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your rage, nor peace in my bones because of my sin. Psalm 38:3 There Is No – Any dictionary will tell you that ‘ayin is a particle of negation.  It means “no, none or nothing.”  It’s used thousands of times in Scripture to negate something.  Here…

The Great Hunter

And YHWH called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”  Genesis 3:9 Where – God is looking for you.  That fact is fundamental to human being.  God considers you an object of His concern.  He is seeking you out.  If this were not the case, you would be nothing more than the…

What’s Happening Here?

And He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s slave-girl, where did you come from and where are you going?”  Genesis 16:8 Where – You will recall the difference between ‘ayyeh and ‘eypoh.  ‘ayyeh (short form ‘ay) is “where” as a statement of surprise, like “Why aren’t you here where I expected you to be?”  ‘eypoh is “where” like…

Where Are You?

“Here are the firestone and the wood; but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?” Genesis 22:7 Where – So much is hidden from us.  Not deliberately, of course.  It is simply hidden because of the translation.  But once you see it, oh my!  What a difference it makes.  There it was, all the…