Hurting Prayer

for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;  Romans 8:26 Groanings Too Deep – Sometimes prayer is simply silent agony.  Sometimes the heart is so hurt that there just aren’t any words left to say.  Sometimes there are only…


Peace with God does not mean peace with the world.  In fact, peace with God means emnity with the world.  Peace with God is the status of our spiritual relationship.  It is not a description of the condition of our lives.  We should expect trails, turmoil, tragedy and death in the course of our journey. …

Wilderness Politics

I just can’t stand it anymore.  Aren’t you sick and tired of the constant accusations, lies, finger pointing and platitudes in this election?  I can’t remember when it was so vitriolic and so insistent.  Maybe there is a point to it all, but as far as I can see, the only purpose is power.  And…